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BIO 230 For Lab Exam II
- Isolation: Various methods of isolation, their features, pros and cons, and the appropriate use of each method. Know how to perform serial dilutions and calculate bacterial concentration in a given sample. Know the related calculations thoroughly. Be able to use the calculations and/or techniques of isolation in an experiment. Understand the technique of steak plate isolation, and how to perform it.
- Capsule staining, Acid-fast staining, endospore staining: Understand the principle of each type of differential staining. Know the procedures and trouble shootings. If asked, you should be able to perform it successfully from a given a culture. Be able to recognize a particular staining if a pre-stained slide is provided.
- Control of bacterial growth:Know the mode of action for each of the chemicals tested in the lab and how they can be used on microorganisms of specific characteristics. Be able to design an experiment to evaluate a chemical’s effectiveness as an antimicrobial. Be able to evaluate the effectiveness if a set of data from an experiment is provided.
UV: Understand the mechanism of UV damage. How it can be used for bacterial control. Know how to test the effectiveness of UV against microbes and factors that may interfere in its antimicrobial activity.
- Conjugation: Know how bacterial conjugation works and the outcome of the process. Be able to apply the technique in testing genetic material transfer in bacteria and analyze results from experiments similar to the one conducted in class.